OMHC / IOP & OP / Housing / Medication Management / Partial Hospitalization / DUI & DWI / PRP Minor & Adult
AGS Programs offers Outpatient Mental Health Services (OMHC), which includes Medication Management to adults and minors.
It is the mission of AGS Programs Outpatient Mental Health Clinic to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services that include, but not limited to, individual, group, and family counseling and education on wellness, recovery, and resiliency.
Psychosocial Assessments, Diagnostic Evaluations, Medication Management, Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Individualized Treatment Planning, and Crisis Intervention.
Low Intensity Housing
Low Intensity Housing enhances the independence, dignity, personal choice, and privacy of the person served. The services are focused on providing a sober and structured living environment that increases the likelihood of sobriety and abstinence and to decrease the potential for relapse. All consumers living in Low Intensity Housing will have a personal setting that respects privacy (living/sleeping area), promotes personal security, and promotes safety in and out of the home.
Intensive Outpatient Treatment IOP/OP
Our IOP/OP program focuses on providing substance abuse treatment in a caring and compassionate environment by means of onsite group, individual and family therapy treatment. Consumers are involved in group counseling 3-4 times a week as well as individual counseling. Group counseling focuses on substance use recovery topics and important skills building activities. OP is conducted onsite with individual and group therapy treatment for approximately one hour 1-2 days per week. Education on wellness, recovery and resiliency is the main focus.
“Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness.”
— Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu
Medication Management
Psychiatric evaluations and medication management is an integral part of mental health treatment and the overall goal of WELLNESS and RECOVERY. AGS Provides PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATIONS & MEDICATION MANAGEMENT in the context of on-going therapy to support the maximum functioning of the persons served. Medications are used with the goals of reducing symptoms and minimizing the impact of side effects. Active involvement and informed consent from the person involved is necessary in making decisions related to the use of medications. AGS provides appropriate education and ongoing training to persons served and to all its employees having direct contact with the person served in a therapeutic setting.
AGS philosophy is to routinely coordinate these services with the primary medical provider and when clinically indicated, consult with other outside providers. Psychiatric evaluations and medication management are used in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations pertaining to medications and controlled substances. With the purpose of utilizing medications in the most medically appropriate and safe manner, AGS utilize a medication-monitoring program on-site and may require completion of appropriate laboratory tests and/or consults. Psychiatric evaluations and medication management are another option available in, “ACHIEVING YOUR GREATEST SELF.”
SUD by Partial Hospitalization
AGS Programs Partial hospitalization Program (PH) is an intensive day treatment program that offers more clinical support during the day. This program is used as an alternative to inpatient treatment and is recommended by a medical director. It allows recovering individuals to participate in programming during the day and go home at night to be with their friends and families. This type of programming is for adults and adolescents that require a high level of support in recovery. This program meets between 4-6 hours a day and at least 5 days a week for a minimum of 20 hours per week.
Partial Hospitalization may be a good fit for consumer(s) “adults/adolescents” who:
Need a higher level of care, but can remain clean and mentally stable outside of an inpatient facility.
Are stepping down from a hospital or residential treatment program, but feel at imminent risk of relapse.
Have little to no support and live-in high-risk environments that is dominant with drug use.
Have a co-occurring disorder (depression in addition to a substance use disorder).
Have not gained optimal progress in an IOP and need a higher level of care.
DUI/DWI Early Education Program
*FEE FOR SERVICE. Contact us for more information.
DUI Education Program shall…
A. AGS Programs will provide DUI education services to individuals who are encouraged, mandated, voluntarily, etc. who are convicted under Transportation Article, 21-902. The Education Program will provide…
B. A comprehensive assessment covering areas of ATOD, Employment/Financial Support, Gambling Screening, Treatment History related to ATOD and Gambling, Mental Health, Legal Status, Family & Social Systems, Education Status, Somatic Health, and review of medication efficacy and history. AGS will accept a completed assessment by a certified clinician or a certified program within 45-day span.
C. AGS Programs will refer an individual(s) to other treatment programs if necessary as well as inform responsible parties of the assessment and referral(s).
D. All individual(s)/participants are required to successfully complete six (6) weekly 2-hour sessions for a total of 12-completed hours.
E. Instructors who teach the class will at a minimum; be certified as Certified Supervised Counselor (CSC) for Alcohol and Drug or any equivalent licensure status.
F. AGS DUI Education Program Curriculum will cover the areas of…
Drinking Driving Patterns and Characteristics
Scope of Drinking Problem
The Process of Addiction to Alcohol and Drugs
The Pharmacology of Alcohol and Drugs
Treatment Resources
The Relationship of Substance Use to Criminal, Health, Family, and Other Social Problems
PRP Minor & Adult Services
Minor Services:
Age-Appropriate self-care skills
personal hygiene, grooming, nutrition and self-administration of medication
Social Skills
Community Integration Activities, Developing Natural Supports and Community Activities
Independent Living Skills
maintenance of living environment, community awareness, mobility skills, money management, accessing available entitlements, cultural interest, conflict resolution, anger management, interactive skills, maintaining personal living space, maintaining age-appropriate boundaries, maintaining personal safety in a social environment and time management (structured and unstructured)
Adult Services:
Self-care skills
personal hygiene, grooming, nutrition and self-administration of medication
Social skills
Community Integration Activities, Developing Natural Supports and Developing linkages with community activities
Independent living skills, housing stability, community awareness, mobility and transportation skills, wellness self-management and money management
Accessing available entitlements and resources, obtain and retain employment, activities that support cultural interests, health promotion activities (proper nutrition and exercise) and promotion of individual Wellness, self management and recovery
Supported Housing Services
Collaborate with CSA to access affordable housing and develop financial resources
Housing needs assessment (housing needs, rehabilitation skills needed to obtain housing of choice, evaluate financial resources, develop basic living skills and supports to keep housing, available natural supports, needed and desired community services, private and public housing assistance)